Spirit of Independent Music Fund
The Spirit of Independent Music fund is a pot of money that Depravation Event unconditionally invests in to inspiring individuals with big dreams.
Aspiring Bands, Musicians, Artists, Photographers, Sound Engineers, DJ's, Lighting Engineers, Videographer's, Journalist's, The list goes on... This fund is here to give you a shot at chasing your dreams.
10% of all our profits from every event we organise is put in to this fund for you.
We pay for your visions with no expectations of anything in return. If we believe in what you are capable of then we will go above and beyond to help you.
If you know someone that you would like to put forward then please reach out to us via the contact page.
My Story
When I was around the age of 16 i was in a skateboard store with some friends in Guildford, UK. I regularly visit this store and was friendly with the guy that managed it. I had around £150 worth of products that I was about to pay for, when a man came in the shop. This man started talking to me and my friends, He was inquisitive about our goals and our dreams. Being a 16 year old this was a strange conversation to be having with a stranger to me. This man took the items I was holding from me and said "Im buying these" Im a 16 year old boy with a life of abuse and trauma, if a person in their 30's tells me to do something, im going to submit and stand back. This is exactly what I did.
This man purchased the items I intended on buying and then looked at me and smiled. After a short pause and a lot of confusion on my part this man said "I want you to have these items, I believe in you and I feel confident that you will go on to great things" I was speechless and still maintaining a level of confusion the man said "What i would like you to do is buy them from me, You can offer me the entire amount, you can offer £20, you can offer me nothing. I will give you these items you wanted regardless of what you respond with"
I was skeptical about this, I didn't offer nothing because I was expecting to pay for them anyway, but I didn't offer the full amount because i didn't know if he was serious or not, so I offered £60. I gave the man £60 and he handed over the bag and said "thank you". He then explained that he was writing a book and had just come from a shop where he offered the exact same thing to a newly married couple purchasing a washing machine. It was a social experiment and I wish I knew the mans name, or the book because I would love to thank him for inspiring me to do something great.
This interaction stuck with me and still does, I remember every detail. I have always wanted to offer the same good this man offered to me. Selfless, unconditional giving with zero expectations of receiving in return purely based of one mans belief that `I would go on to do something great`
The Spirit of Independent Music Fund is that ...great.... thing. Selfless, unconditional giving with zero expectations of receiving anything in return purely based of one mans belief that `You will go on to do something great`
Martin Camp (Founder)
I'm always looking for new and exciting people to inspire, Let's connect.